Colorado Business Formation
Businesses in Colorado can be set up as sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, or corporations, as well as some variations of these, such as professional corporations. Each of these business types has its advantages and disadvantages. New small businesses often need such items as Operating Agreements, Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Organization, Bylaws, shareholder and director minutes or consents, partner or shareholder agreements, employee agreements, employee handbooks, and contracts that will be used in day-to-day business operations, such as sales contracts, services agreements and lease agreements for equipment and buildings.
After your Colorado business has been formed, Aguero Law, P.C. can assist your business with company governance and compliance, policies and procedures, non-disclosure and non-compete agreements, licensing and service agreements, and general contract negotiation, drafting, review.
Business Litigation/Contract Disputes
Contracts between parties is an essential element of conducting business in Colorado and around the country. Most business litigation involves contract disputes. The resolution of such conflicts can be a make or break moment for your business. While most contract disputes are litigated in state courts, some issues allow or require the matter to be heard in Federal Courts and it is important to have an attorney with experience in the state and federal court systems. At Aguero Law we aim to avoid the expensive and lengthy litigation process, if possible. However, in the event that your dispute requires litigation, Aguero Law is ready and able to take your case to trial.
At Aguero Law, P.C., we handle a wide range of breach of contract disputes, including:
- Commercial contracts and general business contracts
- Buy/Sell agreements
- Operating agreements and partnership agreements
- Contracts for the sale of real estate
- Non-compete agreements
- Confidentiality agreements
- Insurance contracts
- Construction contracts
- Consumer contract
If you are a Colorado business owner looking to enforce a contract or defend yourself against a breach of contract claim, you need aggressive representation by an experienced lawyer. Matt Aguero represents businesses of all sizes in breach-of-contract and related claims, offering valuable assistance to both plaintiffs and defendants. Contact us today for a free consultation and find out what we can do for your business.
Comprehensive Small Business Solutions
At Aguero law, P.C., we are business owners and we understand the questions individuals have when starting a small business in Colorado. What kind of business type is right for me? How do I file my articles of incorporation? Which type of business will offer the best tax benefits for my situations? Who should draft the contracts signed by my business? Should I personally guarantee my business obligations? What is the best way to market my business?
The time involved in answering these questions can be overwhelming and mistakes can be costly. While it is true that a majority of small businesses fail, those who plan correctly and make wise decisions stand a much greater chance of success. At Aguero Law, we can guide you through the process of setting up your business and positioning yourself for success. We can assist you with marketing strategies and ensure that you are protecting yourself from future lawsuits. The old saying, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is very relevant when running your Colorado business. If you set things up correctly from the beginning, you will avoid many of the pitfalls that ultimately doom Colorado small business owners. Contact Aguero Law today for a free consultation and don’t fall victim to simple, avoidable mistakes.