Copyright Infringement/BitTorrent Defense
Denver Copyright Lawyer
Lawsuits are being filed across the U.S. against thousands of individuals accused of illegally uploaded and downloaded protected works in violation of copyright law. The plaintiffs in these lawsuits are often referred to as “copyright trolls”. They discover IP addresses for those associated with the alleged infringement and use court approved subpoenas to obtain names associated with the IP addresses from Internet Service Providers. In these lawsuits, the copyright trolls allege copyright infringement for the download of movies, software or books. Many times there is no merit to these claims and the lawsuits are nothing more than attempted extortion by the copyright trolls.
If you are being sued for copyright infringement, it may be possible to quash the subpoena or take other steps to protect your identity. It is important to seek legal advice early in the proceeding as contacting the plaintiff or the court could reveal your identity and render the subpoena moot. If you have received a letter or a lawsuit accusing you of copyright infringement, contact us to discuss your legal options.